Grassland Restoration Forum

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The Grassland Restoration Forum (GRF) promotes the conservation and restoration of native grasslands in Alberta through education, outreach and research to improve reclamation practice and foster stewardship. The GRF began in 2006 as a collaboration between members of provincial agencies, the ranching community, conservation organizations, First Nations, industry, plant ecologists and reclamation practitioners.


How To Use The Range Plant Community Guides And Recovery Strategies Manuals For Project And Reclamation Planning In Grasslands Workshop

Do you work in grassland reclamation? An understanding of the concepts of range ecology is an important skill for designing effective conservation and restoration of native grasslands. This one day, classroom-based course presents the theory behind the Range Plant Community Guide manuals and guided practice using them. It will provide context for: applying the results of data collected during pre-disturbance site assessment, development of a recovery strategy for impacts to native grasslands for development, and reclamation planning.
Grassland Assessment Tools


THE GRF is proud to present updated 2nd Editions for both the Mixedgrass and Dry Mixedgrass Natural Subregions. These guidance documents are designed to provide recovery strategies specific to Industrial Development in Native Grasslands. This is an essential reference document for reclamation practitioners working in the native grasslands.

*Full colour spiral-bound hardcopies of all Recovery Strategies For Industrial Development In Native Grasslands are available for purchase or downloadable as a pdf free of charge.

Current GRF Vision​

Native grasslands and their ecological functions are conserved and successfully restored by informed stakeholders and practitioners within a multiple-use landscape.

Current GRF Mission​

To provide a forum for information sharing, tool development, research and education to promote and support conservation and effective restoration of native grassland ecosystems in Alberta.


The focus of the GRF is Alberta’s Grassland Natural Region and grasslands of the neighbouring Parkland and Montane Natural Subregions.


Grasslands are a rich landscape that provides important ecosystem functions, such as cleansing our air, storing and filtering our water, capturing carbon and supplying sustainable grazing. 

Native grasslands, from flat, dry prairie to montane meadows, provide a diversity of habitats that support a suite of wildlife from sage grouse to grizzly bears. Alberta’s native grasslands provide environmental, economic and social benefits to the residents of Alberta and beyond. 

Conservation of intact native grassland landscapes and successful restoration practices are critical to maintaining habitat, biodiversity and ecosystem function in a multiple use landscape.


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Declining Native

Native grasslands are one of the most developed and threatened landscapes in Canada. Industrial, urban and recreational development, intensification of agriculture and non-native species invasion are rapidly changing prairie landscapes. Loss and fragmentation of this ecosystem is reflected in the number of Endangered and At Risk grassland species. To reverse this trend, we need to improve management of cumulative effects, reduce fragmentation, and maintain native grassland integrity, including connecting corridors for wildlife and other species. Lastly, to reclaim disturbances with the goal of restoring sustainable native grassland landscapes.


  • Our ability to restore native grassland plant communities is uncertain, especially in moister environments like fescue grasslands.
  • Recovery can take decades and require on-going adaptive
  • Establishment and spread of invasive species are a significant threat to native grassland habitats.
  • Reclamation requirements vary widely among industries operating on grasslands.


Recovery Strategies for Disturbance in Native Grasslands

These guidance documents are designed for industry and others to improve reclamation outcomes in native grassland ecosystems with the goal of restoration after disturbance. Guidance is based on long-term monitoring, literature review, peer review and stakeholder workshops

Working in Native Grassland Primer

Project managers and contractors must understand where they are working, the applicable regulatory authority, and the operating conditions that apply for the proposed activity in native grasslands. The primer flags the complexities specific to constructing and reclaiming native grasslands and includes step-by-step guidance and links to regulations, directives and resources.


To hear about upcoming GRF Events, Training, 
and Publications of Interest. 


Looking at getting involved?
Contact us here about volunteering and more!

Calling all native seed growers, harvesters, users, and policy makers.

 Your input is needed to help take the pulse of the current native seed supply in Alberta and identify opportunities to grow Alberta’s domestic native seed industry.

The Southern Alberta Native Seed Collaborative (SANSC) is working to advocate for and facilitate the growth of a sustainable, locally sourced native seed industry to supply the needs of restoration projects in Southern Alberta.

SANSC developed around the issue of a lack of suitable high quality, regionally adapted native seeds to restore existing and planned industrial disturbances and restoration projects in southern Alberta.  Barriers include access to land, funding, and unpredictable markets, as well as a lack of policy, communication, education, and knowledge sharing.

SANSC has engaged Enviro Q&A Services (Chris Powter) and Wild Rose Consulting Inc. (Ann Smreciu) to conduct the survey.  Your contribution to this survey is important, and it should only take 15 to 20 minutes to respond.

What better time than now to identify opportunities to grow our domestic native seed industry!

Please fee free to distribute this survey to others in your organization, especially f they work in different grassland regions or on different land disturbance types.

The survey closes March 28, 2025.

Feel free to reach out if you have questions BUT please do not use Reply to All.

Event Cancellation

How to Use the Range Plant Community Guides and Recovery Strategies

Unfortunately with a number of late cancellations for the Range Plant Community Guides & Recovery Strategies Workshop scheduled for September 13th, 2023 we’ve had to make the tough decision to cancel the workshop for this fall due to insufficient registrations for a cost recovery event.  We will be offering the same workshop in conjunction with the CLRA Conference in March 2024.  The GRF Mailing list will receive notice/announcements about the event as details become available.

We are still proceeding as planned with the Grassland Assessment Classroom & Hands on Field Training on September 14th at the Cassils Hall/Antelope Creek Ranch.

Apologies for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.