Prescriptive Grazing for Vegetation Management in Natural Landscapes Webinar
Targeted or prescriptive grazing can be defined as the use of a specified kind of livestock at a determined season, duration, and intensity to accomplish defined vegetation and landscape goals. The Prescriptive Grazing for Vegetation Management in Natural Landscapes project is an ongoing multi-partnership project designed to provide recommendations for land managers, livestock producers, and livestock grazing practitioners involved in implementing targeted grazing programs.
Join us February 24 between 12 and 1pm MST for a webinar which will focus on guidelines for preparing grazing prescriptions specific to targeted grazing programs. The recommended guidelines presented are based on an extensive literature review and interviews conducted by Sue Michalsky of Paskwa Consulting Ltd. and Amanda Miller of Palouse Rangeland Consulting. Sue and Amanda will present the findings and there will be opportunity for questions and input from participants. There is no charge for the webinar but donations are gratefully accepted.
How to Use the Range Plant Community Guides and Recovery Strategies
Unfortunately with a number of late cancellations for the Range Plant Community Guides & Recovery Strategies Workshop scheduled for September 13th, 2023 we’ve had to make the tough decision to cancel the workshop for this fall due to insufficient registrations for a cost recovery event. We will be offering the same workshop in conjunction with the CLRA Conference in March 2024. The GRF Mailing list will receive notice/announcements about the event as details become available.
We are still proceeding as planned with the Grassland Assessment Classroom & Hands on Field Training on September 14th at the Cassils Hall/Antelope Creek Ranch.
Apologies for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.