The hot, dry, SE corner of Alberta poses unique challenges for restoration of disturbances in native rangelands to native cover. Initiatives are underway on both large and small disturbances to de-fragment the landscape to improve critical sage grouse habitat.
GRF is hosting a one-day field tour based at Manyberries Community Hall, Alberta, designed for reclamation practitioners and others with an interest in rangelands, looking at:
Cropland conversion to native cover projects.
Oil and gas reclamation / restoration projects in critical sage grouse habitat.
Regional reclamation challenges and beneficial practices
Target Audience Reclamation practitioners, ranchers, industry environment and construction managers, anyone interested in learning more about the challenges and practicalities of reclamation with a view to restoration in the Dry Mixedgrass and Mixedgrass Natural Subregions of Alberta.
Workshop Objectives
Tour sites with reclamation professionals involved in several cropland conversion projects of various ages, reclaimed using direct seeding and broadcast seeding, on Loamy and Solonetzic soils.
Tour active oil and gas reclamation projects working to meet restoration requirements in critical sage grouse habitat.
Discussions of the challenges and solutions to restoration in this challenging environment.
Bring your own lunch! Lunch will not be provided and there are no services in Manyberries.
Our goal is to ensure that events and information are accessible to everyone. We rely on sponsorship to help with cost recovery and continuation of the Forum. Please contact us if you, or your organization, are interested in providing supporting this event.
How to Use the Range Plant Community Guides and Recovery Strategies
Unfortunately with a number of late cancellations for the Range Plant Community Guides & Recovery Strategies Workshop scheduled for September 13th, 2023 we’ve had to make the tough decision to cancel the workshop for this fall due to insufficient registrations for a cost recovery event. We will be offering the same workshop in conjunction with the CLRA Conference in March 2024. The GRF Mailing list will receive notice/announcements about the event as details become available.
We are still proceeding as planned with the Grassland Assessment Classroom & Hands on Field Training on September 14th at the Cassils Hall/Antelope Creek Ranch.
Apologies for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.