Grassland Restoration Forum

Grassland Assessment Tools

How to Use the Range Plant Community Guides and Recovery Strategies Manuals for Project and Reclamation Planning in Grasslands – September 2024

Unfortunately the GRF has had to make the tough decision to cancel the Range Plant Community Guides/Recovery Strategies Workshop due to low registration numbers resulting in the inability to run the workshop on a cost recovery basis.  The workshop will be offered during the first quarter of 2025 at a more central location so keep an eye on the GRF Website & Mailing List Announcements. 

Do you work in grassland reclamation? An understanding of the concepts of range ecology is an important skill for designing effective conservation and restoration of native grasslands. This one day, classroom-based course presents the theory behind the Range Plant Community Guide manuals and guided practice using them.

It will provide context for: applying the results of data collected during pre-disturbance site assessment, development of a recovery strategy for
impacts to native grasslands for development, and reclamation planning.

Learning Objectives
  • Gain a basic understanding of the two ecosystem classification systems for the Grassland and Parkland Range Plant Community Guides.
  • Learn how to navigate through the guides to link site conditions, soils and determine plant communities. Participants
    will practice on data sets for each of the two rangeland classification systems.
  • Overview of disturbance risk assessments and strategic siting for grassland plant communities.
  • Work through development of appropriate mitigation and restoration strategies linked to types of disturbance for each plant community discussed.
Target Audience

Designed for planners, reclamation practitioners, agrologists, ecologists, land stewards, regulators, students, and anyone interested in learning more about native grassland classification, strategic siting of potential disturbances, and recovery strategies planning.

Course Materials

Hard copies are available at the course and digitally on the GRF website.

“Recovery Strategies for Industrial Development in Native Grassland for the Dry Mixedgrass Natural Subregion – 2nd Edition” (to keep)

“Range Plant Communities and Range Health Assessment Guidelines for the Dry Mixedgrass Natural Subregion of Alberta” (loaners – available for purchase at the event for $25)

“Range Plant Communities and Range Health Assessment Guidelines for the Foothills Parkland Natural Subregion of Alberta” (loaners – – available for purchase at the event for $25)


GRF’s goal is to ensure that events and information are accessible to everyone. We rely on sponsorship to help with cost recovery, course accessibility, and continuation of the Grassland Restoration Forum. Please contact us if you, or your organization, are interested in supporting this event (

Event Cancellation

How to Use the Range Plant Community Guides and Recovery Strategies

Unfortunately with a number of late cancellations for the Range Plant Community Guides & Recovery Strategies Workshop scheduled for September 13th, 2023 we’ve had to make the tough decision to cancel the workshop for this fall due to insufficient registrations for a cost recovery event.  We will be offering the same workshop in conjunction with the CLRA Conference in March 2024.  The GRF Mailing list will receive notice/announcements about the event as details become available.

We are still proceeding as planned with the Grassland Assessment Classroom & Hands on Field Training on September 14th at the Cassils Hall/Antelope Creek Ranch.

Apologies for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.