Come join your fellow grassland enthusiasts for an all-you-can-eat buffet supper & social at the Casa Roma Restaurant in Claresholm hosted by the GRF after the Fall Information Session November 16th, 2023.
Menu is a Pizza and Salad buffet, with varieties to please everyone including gluten free and vegetarian options.
The GRF will collect the fees ($20.00 per person, no GST) and pay the venue directly for buffet registrants including non-alcoholic beverages so the only payment required at the restaurant ( will be for any alcoholic beverages you order . Please arrange for a safe and sober ride home!
You must pay ahead or by cash/cheque at the Fall Information Session November 16th, so please register if you plan to attend so we can let the venue know how many of us to expect – Register via the link below or email Donna at: [email protected]
How to Use the Range Plant Community Guides and Recovery Strategies
Unfortunately with a number of late cancellations for the Range Plant Community Guides & Recovery Strategies Workshop scheduled for September 13th, 2023 we’ve had to make the tough decision to cancel the workshop for this fall due to insufficient registrations for a cost recovery event. We will be offering the same workshop in conjunction with the CLRA Conference in March 2024. The GRF Mailing list will receive notice/announcements about the event as details become available.
We are still proceeding as planned with the Grassland Assessment Classroom & Hands on Field Training on September 14th at the Cassils Hall/Antelope Creek Ranch.
Apologies for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.